Introducing DataWeave: MuleSoft’s next generation data integration solution

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  Trust is our #1 value, so rest assured your email is safe. Learn more about the use of personal data in our Privacy Policy.


Connecting assets to audiences with speed and scale requires a data integration solution that allows you to integrate in real time via APIs, do batch tasks such as data ingestion or synchronization and handle a variety of data sources -- from JSON to XML to EDI. With Mule 3.7, we introduced DataWeave, a simple, powerful way to query and transform all types of data.

  • Database to XML (Database talking to SOAP Web Service
  • XML to JSON (SOAP Web Service talking to a RESTful API)
  • Grouping, Normalization, Filtering
  • Conditional Logic & Iteration
Presented by:
Dan Diephouse, Director of Product Management
Nial Darbey, Principal Solutions Consultant